
Showing posts from November, 2019

select2 is not working in AdminLTE

It suffers me a lot. It takes a lot of time from me to research and solve the problem. The problem was very simple. I have faced the problem and solved it. Main problem was select2 doesn't get ajax.googleapis cdn. So, before the jQuery code I have loaded the cdn and it works fine now. Firstly, the code was     <script>         $(document).ready(function() {             $('.js-example-basic-multiple').select2();         });     </script> The problem is looked like the picture below Now after adding the cdn before the script tag. it has been solved the problem and the code looks like below     <script src="" integrity="sha256-WpOohJOqMqqyKL9FccASB9O0KwACQJpFTUBLTYOVvVU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>       <script>         $(document).ready(function() {    ...

proc_open(): fork failed-can not allocate memory, error on aws ec2 instance while updating/installing some libraries or packages using composer

Introduction:                     Firstly we have to understand why this error occurs? If we understand the problem then it  is very easy to solve the problem. While we create instances on a cloud platform, we notice lot of parameters to decrease the bill and as well as performance should remain fantastic. Actually if the instance produces no bill, it is tremendous for us. With considering these parameters, generally we create an instance with a very small amount of memory. When we configure our project, then lots of libraries/packages needed to configure the project. These libraries/packages take a bunch of memories. While there is not enough memories then the error "proc_open(): fork failed-can not allocate memory" arises. Solution:               If we allocate some memory from ssd or hdd that would be used as ram that is needed to install/update some libraries/packages. It may solve the...

Laravel installation on aws ec2 instance ami (amazon machine image) ubuntu 18.04

Introduction:                        Laravel(6.2) is an enriched, well featured, reputed web application framework. If you want to develop a system, you can choose laravel easily because of it's expressive, elegant syntax, secured, emerged platform, template, mvc pattern and much more. There are lot of reasons to choose this web application framework. Tech Details:                       aws ec2, amazon machine image ubuntu 18.04, Nginx(1.14), php(7.3), composer(1.9.0), git(2.17.1), laravel(6.2) Requirement: 1. aws account access 2. running ec2 instance 3. accessing the ec2 instance, if not created to create please visit  blogspot  or  medium 4. nginx installation, if not installed please visit  blogspot  or  medium 5. php installed. if not, to follow the tutorial visit blogspot or medium 6. composer installed. if not, to follow th...

composer installation on aws ec2 instance ami ubuntu 18.04

Introduction:                        Composer is not a package manager like yum/apt, it is a tool for dependency management in php. It allows to declare the libraries that your project depends on and it will manage 'install/update' the libraries for your project. Now you are thinking that it's not dealing with packages? yes it deals with 'packages' and 'libraries' and it manages all packages and libraries per project basis, installing them into a directory  (as for vendor) inside your project. Actually it doesn't install anything globally that's why it is a dependency manager. Tech Details:                       aws ec2, amazon machine image ubuntu 18.04, Nginx(1.14), php(7.3). Requirement: 1. aws account access 2. running ec2 instance 3. accessing the ec2 instance, if can't access please visit  blogspot  or  medium 4. nginx installation, if not...